Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My first thoughts on the trailer for BSG prequel Blood and Chrome

Okay.  Okay.  Battlestar Galactica, the remake.  I loved every bit of it, even awkward season 3, and when Caprica came out, I loved the history I was learning about man and cylon, despite its basis in intrigue and suspense rather than action (and despite its cheesiness).  What reason could I possibly have not to love Blood and Chrome?  Well, Syfy killed Caprica before airing the pivotal and excruciatingly awesome final episodes in favor of wrestling and desperately cheesy movies.  I don't want to get attached to another fabulous television show in the world of the Thirteen Colonies only to have it ripped from me when it is starting to get good.  But then I saw the trailer.  Here is a play-by-play of the emotions I went through while watching it.

:03 Heh, Husker.  So cool.  Look how young he is, maybe late teens?

:07-:15  Okay, action, technology, space happenings.  I like.

:18  Har, what an awesome song to use.

:20  This is going to be pretty cool.

:25  Oh shit, this is so cool, I'm going to piss my pants.

:30  Fuck, this is totally awesome with this song!  There's going to be guns and stuff!  (Obviously there's going to be guns, but the part with the flashlights in that cold place made me tingly.)

:40  BAH, there's a cylon, I SAW HIM AND HE IS COOL!  I love the "antique" cylons!

:45  Ooh, scantily clad people, you know there's going to be drama.


After this point I stared, mouth agape, and made unidentifiable squealing noises, possibly some expletives.

1:22  There's Adama again!  I like that they're mirroring what happened at the beginning of the trailer.

1:27  Game changer to the max!  Hopefully they won't cancel it before it's begun, and with a trailer like this they sure as hell better not.

1:29  BLOOD AND CHROME!!!!  WOOOOO!!!!!!!!  I am officially excited, like a minute ago.

I think Syfy may have canceled Caprica because there wasn't enough action in it.  And with a name like Blood and Chrome, I don't think this new spin-off has any chance of failing Syfy's action expectations.  But wait! you may say.  I liked that Battlestar was an action-based drama.  This trailer looks like all the thinking and emotions will be taken out of it.  Well, I don't agree, but there's not much evidence of anything at this point.  I guess we'll see.

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